The Forstner Rivet Bracelet
Stretch or Solid Links
The Story
Arguably the precursor to the Oyster bracelet, the uniform (i.e., non-tapering) three-link rivet bracelet with straight end pieces is one of our favorite historical watch bands. Originally made by distinguished bracelet manufacturer Gay Frères in the mid-twentieth century, the bracelet had a ton of old school charm with its all elastic-link construction. Sadly, however, the bracelet was discontinued long ago, and vintage versions have become exceedingly rare and expensive. Honoring the beautiful vintage design, Forstner has created its own take on the classic rivet bracelet.
Forstner offers the present Rivet Bracelet in two different constructions -- one with solid links, and one all elastic (stretchy) links.
Both versions of the Rivet Bracelet have the same essential design -- made of brushed stainless steel, the bracelet has an 18mm central "link" portion, with approx. 2.5mm thick links, and micro-adjustment on the clasp. The differences between the two versions are described below.
Solid Link Version:
Links are made in solid stainless steel (heavier than stretch version).
Links are removable by screws (see instructions here); and further length adjustment can be made on the clasp.
Fits wrists ranging from approx. 6-8 inches in circumference.
There is one elastic (stretch) link behind the clasp to ensure the bracelet can be worn comfortably throughout the day.
End piece widths available from 18-22mm
Stretch Link Version:
All links are "stretchy," meaning they can expand and contract as necessary. Length is also adjustable via the clasp.
Lighter, more vintage feel.
Fits wrists ranging from approximately 6.5-8 inches.
End piece widths available from 18-20mm.